Ep. 4: Mega Man (DOS)

Image Credit: MobyGames

We explore Stephen Rozner’s groundbreaking heartbreaker, and in doing so explore the flipside of the Kitamura question. If Mega Man 3 asked what happenes when you remove Akira Kitamura from a Mega Man game, then Mega Man for DOS asks what happens when you remove any trace of Capcom from a Mega Man game.

The Game: Mega Man

Original Platform: Microsoft Disk-Operating System

Developer: Rozner Labs

Director: Stephen Rozner

Composer: Stephen Rozner

Release Date:

  • 1990 (US)

See Also: The Story of Mega Man on DOS | The Gaming Historian

Music Used In This Episode

All sourced from OCRemix.org and used under its Content Policy’s Terms of Use.


Ep. 5: Cocoron


Ep. 3: Mega Man 3